香港視覺藝術教育節一直促進視覺藝術教學交流及提供教師教學成果展示的機會,為本會一年一度的旗艦活動 。本屆視藝展除了有以往的「葛量洪視覺藝術獎作品展」及「創意學生獎勵計劃成果展」外,還增設了「本地視藝網上教學回顧展」和「國際及本地學生郵寄藝術作品展」,展示自2020年年初新型冠狀病毒肆虐下的香港藝術教育面貌及本地與海外學生在期間透過郵寄藝術的創意交流。教育節另設分享會、講座及工作坊,供教師及大眾參與。
The Hong Kong Visual Arts Education Festival (HKVAEF) is HKSEA's annual flagship event, which encourages sharing among art educators and showcases their achievements. This year's HKVAEF not only holds, as in previous years, the Exhibition of Grantham Visual Arts Awards and the Creative Student Award, but also, in response to the pandemic, the Exhibition of Visual Arts e-Learning in Hong Kong Schools and the International and Local Student Mail Art Exhibition. Together they showcase the creative achievements made by teachers and students during the time of social distancing. Other activities include seminars and workshops for teachers and the general public.