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International and Local Student Mail Art Exhibition
藝術是人與人溝通的橋樑,藉著作品,我們不單能一窺創作者的內心世界,還能從中認識他們所代表的文化。在新型冠狀病毒全球肆虐下,我們可如何以藝術創作與其他人保持交流?香港美術教育協會於本年度香港視覺藝術教育節的「國際及本地學生作品邀請展」返璞歸真,邀請了本地幼稚園、小學及中學學生與來自馬來西亞、新加坡、泰國、印度、尼日利亞、巴林及塞爾維亞的七國學生,以郵寄藝術(Mail Art)來展開美感對話。
Art connects people. Through artworks we not only can have a glimpse of the inner world of their creators but also their cultures. As the COVID-19 pandemic sweeps through the world, how can we use art to keep in touch with each other? The “International and Local Student Art Exhibition” organized by HKSEA this year features “Mail Art” as the theme. We invited local and overseas students from six countries, including Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, India, Nigeria, Kingdom of Bahrain and Serbia to send us their mail art as a way to greet each other.
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