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高中組得獎學生 — 新界鄉議局元朗區中學 梁佩宜同學










這是我第一次參與全港性的展覽,很高興香港美術教育協會給予這次機會,讓我能夠踏上這個舞台。而且在作品展上, 我也得到了與其他得獎學生交流心得的機會,令我獲益良多。展覽上每一位在我作品面前駐足的人,亦成為了我繼續往前進的勇氣,我會攥緊這次比賽得到的每一句鼓勵和建議,化作創作的動力。希望在不久的將來,我能夠成為對他人生命帶來影響的藝術家。





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Awardee of junior group - Chung Kwok Ching from 

Christian and Missionary Alliance Sun Kei Secondary School

The award presentation ceremony of the 12th Hong Kong Visual Arts Education Festival 2023 on 23 December,2023 were held successfully. Chung Kwok Ching from Christian and Missionary Alliance Sun Kei Secondary School are one of the awardee of Grantham Visual Arts Awards 2022/2023 (Junior Group). The exhibition, three of her artworks included 《饞嘴怪》《我的內心世界—正負面情緒》and《香港夜色》were also exhibited. Below is the sharing: 

Artist Statement:

Leonardo da Vinci once said,'Where the spirit does not work with hand, there is no art.' I still remember how I felt when I first passed by a gallery when I was little. I was mesmerized by the colors, the creativity, and most importantly,the waves of emotions rushing out of the canvas. 

Some people thinks that arts is a luxury, but in fact, we are surrounded by it in our daily life.From the posters hanging on the building to the random doodling on textbook, we are all unintentionally creating art, which makes us all artists.

On top of that, art is not just mindless drawing. To me, we get to see through the drawer's heart and explore his/her inner world and it is my own way of communicating with the outside world.Through art, I can well express my feelings.

I wish to carry my passion for art on and be a painter who touches people's soul with my artworks.

Reason for participation:
As we all know, the Grantham Visual Arts Awards is one of the most reputable competitions in Hong Kong. Although I have participated in other contests before, they are comparatively small-scale contests. Therefore, I wished to attend Grantham in order to broaden my horizons and knowledge about arts and cultures.


It is an eternal honor that my efforts are approved by the judges and I am delighted that I have the chance to voice out my opinions and inner thoughts to the public via this competition.

The most memorable experiences:
Brainstorming ideas was definitely the most challenging stage, but eventually I had decided to set my drawings’ main theme as ‘Home Kong’. Hong Kong is our hometown and an irreplaceable place that influences us throughout our whole life. By drawing out the daily scenario on Hong Kong Island, along with the suffering minorities who show the less glamorous side of Hong Kong, I hope that everyone could appreciate the local histories and cultures.

The positive influence(s) in Visual Arts after participate the Grantham Visual Arts Awards:
With the sense of achievement brought by the competitions, I am more confident in my own drawings and I am even more willing to create more art pieces. At the same time, inspired by other contestants’ masterpieces, I am motivated to try out some innovative art forms such as sculptures and oil paintings that I have never got in touch with.

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